6 September 1965 Pakistan Defence Day Song Ye Banday Mitti k Banday{PAKISTAN ZINDA BAD}

{6 September 1965 Pakistan Defence Day Song Ye Banday Mitti k Banday}

Consistently on 6 September an appreciative country pays tributes to its Shuhdas and Ghazis who shielded geological outskirts of the homeland strikingly and bravely crush the adversary unequivocally on the ground, in air and on the ocean. 

It was on 6 September in 1965 that India had crossed the global outskirts and assaulted Pakistan without a notice or a formal assertion of war. 

By doing this India, which day and night cases to be the biggest majority rule government on the planet, disregarded the universal, sanction of the United Nations and all standards of socialized conduct among the states. 

In her want to enslave the neighboring nations, India had pompously dismissed all her global duties. 

Indeed, even after slip by of 52 years, the individuals who had seen the tricky and deceptive Indian assault are as yet alive and have clear memory of those 16 days. 

We praise the Defense of Pakistan Day consistently to continue reminding the new eras about how the military of Pakistan, determinedly upheld by the whole country, had vanquished the Indian trespassers. 

The then Indian Army Chief General J. 


Chaudhry was so sure of triumph, overcoming Pakistani troops and straightaway catching Lahore that he had reported gladly of having a major peg of whisky in the Gymkhana Club (at that point situated inverse the Governor House in Bagh-e-Jinnah and now lodging the Quaid-i-Azam Library) at night of September 6. 

He couldn't achieve his treasured want as India's assault on Lahore was kept as well as pummeled by our troops exacting substantial misfortunes to the assailants. 

The Pakistan Army officers and jawans protecting on the ground and completely bolstered by the Pakistan Air Force contenders could limit the Indian hostile and move it back commandingly. 

Pooch battles of PAF Sabers over Lahore, pursuing the Indian air ships, is still new in the memory of many like this recorder who had seen the colossal showing of high resolve and soul noticeable all around. 

A short time later, the Indian flying machines scarcely set out to assault Lahore during that time the war was in advance till September 23 when the war had finished with the interventions endeavors of the Soviet Union and a peace assention was marked by both Pakistan and India at Tashkent. 

In the event that India had caught around 400 square miles of Pakistan domain then it had likewise lost around 1600 square miles of its own region to Pakistan. 

Incredible skirmish of tanks at Chowinda in Sialkot division, the biggest tank fight since the second World War, was a hard and intense battle battled about numerous days and evenings bringing about overwhelming losses on the two sides. 

In any case, the fundamental Indian assault was held and rebuffed. 

India had utilized its defensively covered division and other strike arrangements in the tank fight yet couldn't enter A pakistani area any further and was compelled to pull back in the wake of agony substantial misfortunes in men and material. 

The expansive number of harmed and obliterated Indian tanks stayed in the war zone for a considerable length of time together telling the guests from everywhere throughout the nation story of lively battle of Pakistani troops with set number of tanks. 

Amid the 1965 war, while the military were occupied with protecting land wildernesses on ground, air and ocean, the whole country shaped a solid shake like second resistance line stretching out and giving all help to their powers. 

In doing as such, the general population had overlooked which government was in control. 

Field Marshal Muhammad Ayub Khan was in charge of national issues as the President and his uplifting discourse after the subtle Indian assault over Radio Pakistan had imbued awesome soul and valor among everybody. 

The national needs were clear and unambiguous back then, any peril to the country required the solidarity and unstinted help to the legislature and the military and it was inevitable in an extremely solid and firm way. 

It involves record that amid those 17 days Pakistan was at war with India, wrongdoing had been diminished irrelevantly to the most reduced ever level. 

No political gathering or pioneer was seen endeavoring to draw any preferred standpoint out of the war or upbraid the administration of the day for political or individual pick up. 

They were each of the one and joined in the protection of the country and overcoming the Indian aggressors. 

In all reasonableness, Pakistan rose up out of the 1965 war as a solid and self-assured country, really pleased with itself and its military. 

It was absolutely the finest hour of greatness for the Army, Air Force and Navy and a day to be recalled. 

While paying tributes to the Shuhdas and Ghazis we ought to likewise be putting forth tributes and supplications additionally for those officers and jawans of the military martyred in real life since 1948 in the guard of the ideological and geological wildernesses of the homeland including those setting out their lives in the progressing war against the aggressors, fanatics and fear based oppressors to guarantee sheltered and secure Pakistan for the successors. 

What's more, while we praise the Defense of Pakistan Day on September 6 now and furthermore in future it ought to likewise be seen as a thanksgiving day

In accordance with the soul and national solidarity exhibited amid the September War being most importantly insignificant individual, political and different contemplations at all, we should all be petitioning God for the wellbeing, security and solidarity of Pakistan. 

We should appeal to God for the flexibility and respect of our God-given country Pakistan for the time being and dependably.
